Room directory
Welcome to the Saint Paul Hotel.
History changes a neighborhood, and sometimes at its best. We are far from the “unapproachable desert” in which a former bishop of Nice had the idea of setting up a seminary for the training of priests in 1840. And this seminar itself helped to shape the charm of the Lazaret district above the harbor.
This large house with pink facade and green shutters typically “Niçois” style, perched on the terrace facing the sea, has never stopped being embellished. In 1931, Monseigneur Rémond gave a jealous care to the construction of the chapel. He is going to ask various artists from Nice to reconstruct an interior decoration referring to the paleo Christian and Romanesque period and, more
particularly to the Basilica Saint Clement of Rome.
Eugène Doucet will create the great fresco in half-sphere inspired by the themes and compositions of St. Vital of Ravenna, St. Clement and St. Paul.
The Chapel
Accessible from 10:00 to 18:30
In 1879 Monseigneur Balaïn asked for the construction of a chapel which had become essential at the Petit Séminaire. It was on March 19, 1880 that the foundation stone of this chapel was laid, which will be built in honor of the immaculate virgin. The chapel was renovated in 1931 under the direction of Monsignor Rémond who spoke of it as "a sin of youth". He will ask various artists from Nice to reconstruct an interior decor referring to the early Christian and Roman times and, more particularly, to the Basilica of Saint Clement of Rome. Eugène Doucet produced the large half-sphere fresco, drawing inspiration from the themes and compositions of Saint-Vital de Ravenne, Saint-Clément and Saint-Paul. He completed all of his work in 1931. The transformation remains a quality work by the attention to detail and the precision of the different reconstructions.
Veillez à bien fermer votre porte lorsque vous sortez de votre chambre. Votre carte de chambre vous permet d’ouvrir le portail du parking et l’accès à la réception durant la nuit. Toutes nos chambres sont équipées d’un boitier d’économie d’énergie afin de limiter la consommation électrique en votre absence. Veillez à laisser votre carte de chambre dans celui-ci, pour profiter de la climatisation et des appareils électriques de votre chambre. Merci de remettre vos cartes à la réception le jour de votre départ.